Our desire is to provide the “Message of Life” in a practical manner for ‘everyday’ Life.
We are committed to providing the resources, encouragement and insight you need to be Victorious in Life.
We believe you will be refreshed, inspired and strengthened by hearing the Word of Life, which is the Word of God.
As we celebrate Life in our worship and fellowship together, please feel free to enter in and experience the very presence of God.
You are invited and welcome to enter into the Good Life.
970-663-LIFE (5433)
Sunday Mornings
- 9:00 am Fellowship, Coffee & Donuts
- 9:30 am Service Prayer
- 9:30 am Check-in Children in Ed. Building
- 10:00 am Full Worship ~ (Full Children’s Ministry for Ages 0-6th Grade)
Sunday Evenings
- Watch Website for information
- 6:00 pm Mid-week Bible Study ~ Topical studies with monthly themes ~ Click here for details.
Visitors, Attendees or Members:
Do you want a Friend or Host for the Service?
Would you like Special Needs Parking?
Do you need Healing Prayer?
Do you want a Tour of the Children’s Area?
Would you like a Visit or a Call?
Would you like to receive Healing Prayer?
Would you like to Receive Literature?
Just ask an Usher or contact the Office.
Contact the Church Office at (970) 663-LIFE (5433) to arrange.